That's a wrap on Blink 2024
Thank you to all the artists who applied to make Cincinnati shine and turn the queen city into one of the most transformative art experiences in the nation!
BLINK, Illuminated by ArtsWave, returns to Cincinnati on October 17-20, 2024.
The people of the future city are united and enlightened. In the blink of an eye their hearts and minds glow with the radiance of transcendent knowing. Knowing the light of a thousand tomorrows of opportunity and hope. Knowing the light that shines from their hearts is all that was ever needed to stay in the darkness of ignorance and poverty. Not here they said. Not in our shining future city. They work and play and draw the light from one another until it outshines the sun. The light inside revealed in all. The only light that matters. Together they shine with celebration, laughter and labor shared for all the world to see and in the blink of an eye their radiance is undeniable.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 – Applications Open
September – December – Multiple opportunities to meet and engage with the BLINK project team on your application (see schedule of engagement opportunities below)
Friday, December 15, 2023 – Applications Close
January - February 2024 – Artist Interviews Scheduled for selected artists
March 2024 – Selected artists notified via Email, Contracts Distributed
March - April 2024 – Light-Based Artists and Projection Artists Meetings or Online Calls with BLINK team
April 2024 – Signed contracts returned and First Milestone Payment Requested – 25% or honorarium (Lighted and Projection Artists)
June 2024 - Artists Check-in meetings or virtual calls.
July 2024 – Second Milestone Payment Requested – 50% of honorarium (Lighted and Projection Artists)
August 2024 – Artists Check-in meetings or virtual calls.
September 2024 – Final Milestone Payment Requested – 25% of honorarium (Lighted and Projection Artists)
September 20, 2024 – Deadline for Final Projection project delivery (Projection Mapping only)
October 11-16, 2024 – Installation of light-based works begin
October 17-20, 2024 – Artwork is Exhibited (All-Lights On)
October 20-22, 2024 – Art is de-installed
November 2024 – Photography and Content packages for each installation will be sent by the BLINK project team to artists.
Our passion is helping to realize and illuminate as many projects as possible. The BLINK project team is grateful to receive proposals and interest from artists, collectives and creatives from the Cincinnati region and all over the globe. Funding and space is however limited and the selection process is highly competitive. Please carefully review the following opportunities, project qualifications and budget considerations.
Curate 12-15 new permanent murals
Exhibit 30-40 temporary lighted installations
Illuminate 30-35 projection/digital animation installations
All applications must consider how light can transform their works of art and address at least one or more of the event goals: collaboration, audience engagement and transformation.
BLINK looks to exhibit a range of projects that vary in scale, and we work within a range of site opportunities that can host small, medium, and large-scale installations.
Historically, selected works have included sculptures, performances, projections, photography, LED, film, digital media and interactive art.
All works and performances must be free, accessible, and open to the public during the entire BLINK event.
Works of art or performances that advertise a commercial product or brand will not be accepted.
BLINK is a family-friendly event, and work must be appropriate for all ages.
While the calls for muralists and projection mapping artists are a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) the call for lighted-art installations is a Request for Proposals (RFP). We require more information in advance to consider your selection, and ask that you submit a complete BLINK concept proposal, including supporting images, concept proposal budget, artist statement, CV, artist bio, and five to ten past work samples with a corresponding image list. Incomplete or late proposals will not be accepted.
Applications for projection and digital art / animation projects should seek to tell a story. The most memorable BLINK projection shows in the past have had some sort of a storyline or progression that takes viewers on a journey. Consider what story your submission tells.
Artists should describe their experience and specify interest in either architectural projection mapping, projection mapping onto murals, statues, or other surfaces, as applicable. Please describe your talents and approach to this discipline and any demonstrated previous work experience.
The call for projection artists is a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). We do not require that you submit the specific work that you plan to show/design, however you should include enough conceptual materials and information to give the BLINK project team a sense of your vision.
Projection projects have a mandatory requirement to integrate music + sound design into the digital artwork presentation. Please let us know in your application how you would like to integrate music + sound into your projection show.
Interactive projection installations are encouraged. As the art form continues to evolve with technology, more and more opportunities to interact with the audience become available. Does your work create moments for the audience to participate,engage or become part of the work? Please describe any interactive components in your application.
We strive to curate a world-class outdoor art gallery in the heart of Cincinnati around the Findlay Market district. Applications for BLINK murals should reflect this ethos and strategy of our mural program. Requests for mural locations outside of this footprint are likely to be declined.
How does your work add to our collection?
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