Calendar October 17 – 20, 2024

Pin Cincinnati,OH



Mz.Icar Collective
Mz. Icar is an anonymous art collective. We were established in 2018. Our members include an Illustrator, Photographer, Designer, Prop Stylist, Street Artist, and Collage Artist. We started this collective to create works that celebrate women, global blackness, and fun. We create narratives in the form of mixed-media street art and fine art that explore history and imagine the best case scenario future from the perspective of women
and people of color.

Our work has been exhibited at Pyramid Hill Museum in OH, Culture House DC, Welancora Gallery Brooklyn, NY, The Leroy Neiman Gallery, Westwood Gallery, WNYC Radio’s Green Space, Rush Gallery, SXSW. We have done site-specific installation work at Etsy’s HQ, and branded art projects for Ms. Lauryn Hill’s world tour and Nickelodeon.

Kendra Stepp-Davis
Kendra Stepp-Davis is a New York City-based Creative Producer, Art Director, Artist and Podcaster. She is passionate about participatory design methods and social responsibility and showcases the intersectionality of her black life through multidisciplinary works. These multidisciplinary works can be seen in her podcast I Wanna Hear Podcast where she and her co-hosts talk about everything from dating, fatness, race, and the intersectionality of all of these topics and much more.
The podcast has been going on for two seasons with plans for a third on the way.

Participatory design methods have been demonstrated through her work at Bombas, through projects like
the Black Hive Collection she was able to give creative direction and concept to a project that can be authentically Black. She was able to accomplish that through a majority Black creative crew that consisted of photographers, make-up artists, hairdressers, and set designers. As a child, I attended summer camp and I am now on the Camp Board, helping push social responsibility through continued Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts as well as modernizing systems that have been in place during its 80+ year history.

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